New baby photos…sigh…Do you know how incredibly blessed I feel to be able to capture these HUGE milestones in my clients’ lives? This momma of FIVE reached out to me to book Madison’s newborn session and I was SO excited to be able to work with her. Having moved to the Charlotte area from Milwaukee, WI, where I had a pretty successful clientele, and then moving to Charlotte had me starting from scratch, building up my business. So have ALL. THE. FEELS. When my new clients trust me with their little loves. This mommy wanted a session where the focus was one her baby only–no sibling or parent poses–so she chose the Classic Newborn Session. Just look at her sweet face in these images:
Newborn Baby Smirk
She had the SWEETEST little rolls and the PERFECT skin (which doesn’t happen all the time with newborns, so I was doing the happy dance editing! HA!). We were able to get many different looks so mom had many options to choose from for her final gallery. I just love how her tiny details are complimented (not overpowered) by the dainty headbands and wraps–and lucky for my clients, the studio is STOCKED with a huge variety of handmade headbands, bonnets, hats, wraps, texture layers and props that were made specifically for newborn photography (cue the hallelujah choir!). That means all you have to do is show up for your session. No need to bring a thing except the baby.
Dainty Newborn Headband
Baby Madison had the sweetest little features–her lips, those cheeks–a newborn photographer’s DREAM. Near the end of her session, she was starting to wake up and I was so pumped to get a few photos of her interacting with the camera. Look at her little personality shining through! What an amazing session to have in the new studio in a new state with a new baby. Thanks for allowing me to capture your precious addition!
When I first started out in my photography career about ten years ago, I was drawn to capturing moments that grasped the feeling one felt in that exact time-period. I LOVED that challenge! And I still do! It’s why I love photographing families and babies! However–when I started Newborn Photography about five years ago–this was a whole new ball of wax. Oh my GOODNESS. I had NO IDEA the time, the commitment, the patience, the money that was behind this craft…and I was intrigued…
Precious Moments Captured ~ Charlotte Family Photography
Though I still LOVE capturing these treasured family moments, I find a sense of great pride when I orchestrate a newborn photo session that I nail on the head. To me, this form of photography is the most challenging…and rewarding. Why?! I’m so glad you asked…
Tiny Baby Goodness
Newborn Photography 101:
It takes a lot of TIME & PATIENCE
Newborn photo sessions take a lot of time. From the consultations, to the session, to the editing, to the final product–these sessions take many, many hours to perfect so that you, the client have gorgeous works of art. Sessions last anywhere from 1-4 hours (depending on which package), however, this is only the beginning of the experience. Editing takes a great deal of time because newborn skin can be worse than a teenager’s! Flaky skin, jaundice, baby acne are just some of many things that are fixed during editing. Editing can take up to five weeks because each image is a work of art. I absolutely LOVE the focus that goes into having a successful session. It’s what DRIVES me to be best I can be.
It takes a lot of TRAINING (and MONEY)
Guys…I realize…EVERYONE is searching for the BEST deal out there. For EVERYTHING. For toilet paper, for school supplies, for mortgages, for wine (ah-hem). Can I just tell you that with newborn photography, this is the ONE place you should not skimp?! This person is being trusted with your most prized possession. This tiny miracle grew inside of you for ten long months!! This is NOT the time to bargain shop. At. All. Look for someone who is trained. Who continually invests in his/her education on a regular basis. Someone who is not desperate to gain clientele. This is the person who will treat you like you are family and who will value your sweet little nugget like their own.
When I decided to truly invest in my newborn photo career, I realized I needed to take the plunge (deep monetary plunge) and learn from the best in the business. To me, this was Amy McDaniel of Dewdrops Photography. I loved her style, her colors, the props and layers that she used; to me, she was/is the whole package. I searched to see if she offered workshops–and BOOM! She did. I was living in Milwaukee at the time and was itching to go some place warm, and there I saw it. She was going to be in Charlotte (my future CITY!). So I invested a small fortune in my business and myself. I learned SO MUCH from this amazingly selfless woman.
‘Froggy Pose’Dewdrops Worskshop Retreat
During this initial workshop, I learned how to safely pose these precious babies and how to edit to perfection. I soaked in how to soothe and comfort babies so much that nearly every parent has named me the “Baby Whisperer” (haha!). I also learned how to market my business so that I attract clients that are the right fit for what I offer. This was the best decision I ever made for my business. And now every year, about 20 newborn photographers from across the country meet in Panama City Beach to learn and network from each other. Each of these ladies continue to push me to be the best version of myself in this business. I also continue to learn and grow from many other talented photographers from around the world. What an amazing job I have! *sigh*
It’s more than just “Taking Pictures;” It’s the experience
When you book with KatieRie Photography, you get VIP treatment from the very start. We talk about your vision and style as well as mine, and if we are a good fit for each other. The photography studio is all-inclusive and well stocked with state-of-the-art equipment which includes my cameras, lenses, lighting and thousands of props, wraps, layers, backdrops, headbands and hats to suit my clients’ desires and needs. All my clients need to do is show up for their session and I will take care of the rest. Sometimes parents even pop in a quick cat-nap since the studio is so warm and cozy!
I also include a variety of unique products that are exclusively sold to photographers. These are fine-art pieces that won’t be found at Hobby Lobby or Michaels! The products are hand-made and will help showcase the gorgeous images from your session in a unique fashion!
Unique Photography Products
Investing is WORTH it
Taking the time for find the right fit for you is worth it. Just take a look at my before and after: The top photo is my daughter five years ago, before I truly invested in my training…The bottom picture is from a current gallery. The photos speak volumes!
Newborn Photography Training–Before and After
When you invest in KatieRie Photography, you are investing in the experience we share together. Many clients come away from sessions feeling like we are family. You can’t put a price tag on that!
One of my favorite things about being a newborn photographer is featuring my sweet clients and being able to re-live the session in a blog post. This little guy came to the studio in September and I just about DIED when I saw his beautiful head of RED HAIR! I mean, just LOOK at his strawberry fluff!
Red Headed Baby Bliss
Baby Max came to the studio and slept the entire time–guys, this DOES NOT always happen! But he was an absolute DREAM! When newborn clients book a session with KatieRie Photography, I send a Newborn Studio Guide to help parents prepare for their session. These are my list of secrets as a (somewhat self-) proclaimed baby whisperer! I tell them that I know sometimes babies won’t comply 100 percent, but to try to follow the guide so that our session can go extremely smooth. Nine times out of ten–it works! Can you tell that baby Max’s parents read the guide?!
Sweet Baby Dreams
We were able to get many different looks during Max’s session–a great mixture of “beanbag” poses (the first set of photos in this post) as well as prop poses. The colors that were chosen were soft neutrals that were perfect for the beginning of fall. Plus Max looked absolutely adorable in every single set-up! I love using a variety of textures and layers to add depth and character to each “look.” But I also like the set-ups to compliment each other so everything will look gorgeous hanging in clients’ homes!
Baby Smirk
Overall, Max’s session was a HUGE success. I think Max thought so too.
You wait a LONG nine months (ok, TEN months, really) to meet your little. You’ve gone through the morning sickness, the restless nights of waking up every twenty minutes to go to the bathroom, the swollen feet, the cravings, the clothes not fitting, the pudgy stage, the uncomfortable stage, the actual labor, and then…you meet this perfect, miracle of a being. Someone you just met, but fell instantly in love with. Someone who holds your entire heart in the tiniest palm. As a newborn photographer, I realize the importance of capturing every. single. detail. Aside from images of babies in the cute props and poses, the wraps, headbands, bonnets, and hats that you will find in my STUDIO, I also get up close and “personal” with your sweet bundle. I capture the sweet little pouty lips, the perfect untouched fingernails, the gorgeous lashes, that amazing head of hair–I capture all of it. For YOU. Why? Because once reality sets in that you have a newborn and you are actually surviving, the first couple weeks go so fast and all of a sudden you will look back and think “holy MOLY! A month FLEW by!” And in that month, your sweetness will have already changed.
My promise to you as your newborn photographer is that I will capture those tiny details for you, so you can look back and see how little your little one was. So you can go back to that feeling of “how in the world did we make this?!” Every last detail I will catch in beautifully unique images that you will hold onto forever.