What to Wear || KatieRie Photography || Charlotte Portrait Photographer

I just booked my session–Now what the heck do I wear?

Did I just read your mind? LOL! Figuring out what to wear for a session can be daunting, stressful, and tedious–but it doesn’t have to be.  So I decided to walk you through the process.

We recently had our family photos done by the AH-MAZING Twig and Olive Photography. They have been one of my photography “crushes,” for a very long time–I love their lighting, style, composition–everything! I get SUPER stoked when we book our family sessions because even in this busy life, it pauses time for just a moment and FOR ONCE I’m actually IN the photos. I get to let loose, have fun and interact with my littles and my husband and I’m not the one in charge–I hand over the reigns for a split second.

However, it also means the panic kicks in. Panic?! Yes Panic! About four months before our session I freak out as to what to wear! What is the weather going to be like? Will it rain? Will it be cold or chilly even if it’s June? What will I feel “good” wearing? How on earth will I tie everything together for five people? CRAP! I need to lose 20 pounds! As a photographer you would think this would be easy! Nope. It’s not. And every year I go through the same thing. And it’s a great reminder for me what my clients go through for their session. I understand the struggle and the stress and that’s why I’m here to help…

Step one: Choose a color palette.  One of my favorite things in life is Pinterest. I can find anything on Pinterest. Inspiration for my living room, what to wear for date night (what the heck is date night anways?!), Fall fashion, how to boil an egg, paint colors for bedrooms, inspirational memes–you name it, Pinterest has it. Think of your photoshoot like a room you are going to decorate.  Find a color palette on Pinterest to ignite the inspiration for your shoot.  This is the palette I chose this year: About 9 months ago, I purchased these beautiful skirts for my girls that were exactly that mustard color from the palette. I KNEW they would LOVE these skirts (I did too, of course) and I knew they would feel like princesses. I had my first inspirational pieces, so all I had to do was find colors and clothing that would compliment these skirts.

Step Two: Right away, find an outfit that YOU love.  That’s right YOU.  YOU are the top priority.  You need to feel beautiful and comfortable in whichever outfit you choose.  I think I bought 3-4 different dresses from all over and finally decided on one from Target.  Actually the girls decided on that dress when I tried it on they both said “you look SO BEAUTIFUL, Mommy!” Sold. In that moment, I felt like a princess too.

TIP: Stores like Old Navy, Gap, H&M, Target color coordinate outfits for everyone in the family.  Take a look at what they are displaying for the season!

Step Three: Think of mixing different textures and patterns. It’s just like decorating. Mixing patterns is great, but don’t overdue it, otherwise it can be too busy. Think of things that compliment each other.  My dress had a lot going on–different colors and flowers–so I knew I had to keep the other outfits lowkey.  For the girls, I chose a plain navy blue tank top and a yellow floral crown (from Amazon). TIP: I’m OBSESSED with ordering off of Amazon because I can have it to my house super fast and there are easy returns–that’s a win/win in my book!

For the boys, I searched Etsy for some help.  I wanted something that was classic and that tied everything together–bowties.  Gahhhhh! bowties! I adore bowties–I think they are classic and vintage-y and absolutely adorable. The easiest thing was to put the men in navy blue shirts (with light patterns) and search for mustard bow ties to tie that color into their outfits as well. Amazon didn’t have many choices in this department, but I found the PERFECT bowties on Etsy!! Check out The Dapper Dude Co! I ordered these brown leather suspenders and Daddy and son matching bowties! SO FLIPPING ADORABLE! You could LEGIT get carried away with all this cuteness.

Step Four: Accessorize! Think of jewelry, flower crowns (you can find a TON on Etsy and/or Amazon), scarves, sweaters.  All these things can add splashes of color or patterns without going overboard. I also found my necklace on Etsy.  It’s so dainty and perfect and really tied the yellow together perfectly for my outfit.  TIP: Make sure you read the shipping information for the Etsy store. This necklace was coming all the way from England, so I had to order it about a month in advance!

Step Five: Have FUN! I LOVE playing dress-up and primping.  I curl my hair, put on fake lashes, do “out-on-the-town” make-up. I curl the girls’ hair and put lip gloss on their cute little lips. This is your time to pamper yourself and your family. PLEASE try not to stress. If you plan everything well enough in advance, that should help keep things stress-free. Heck, even trying the outfits on about a week or two in advance will help eliminate stress! That way you have enough time to fix anything that doesn’t fit right.

See the final product below:)


KatieRie Photography || KatieRie is a Professional Charlotte, North Carolina Newborn Photographer that specializes in fine art maternity, cake smash, baby, infant, family and newborn photography in the Charlotte and surrounding areas including, but not limited to, Gastonia, Belmont, Clover, Fort Mill, Matthews, Lake Wylie, McAdenville, Weddington, and Tega Cay.

Chaos IS Living

Imperfectly Perfect

My beautiful grandma went to be with Jesus last week Thursday.  She was an amazing 91 (and a half) years old.  (I added that half because as a perfectionist, she would think it was important for you to know that very detail;). The whole experience was a rollercoaster of emotions. It was confusing for me at first because I knew she was old, but she had always been healthy, so this sickness thing was very new for me to grasp. I had to really dig deep to understand why her death was so upsetting to me.  And I think it comes down to the fact that it was extremely painful to watch the whole process. And it was a very lengthy, painful process at that. We found out the end of February that she had a very aggressive form of cancer and that she would have about two months to live. Ugh. Bam. Two months? I know some people have gone through losing parents or siblings or even kids–I just can’t even imagine that.  This news was devastating, even in her old age. With the exception of the past few years, Grandma was always “with it,” she still golfed (in fact she taught ME how to golf), she had extremely beautiful skin (almost no wrinkles!), she could drive herself places, heck–she even walked all around New York City when she visited without a single complaint! She was around for my wedding and the birth of my three babies (in which I feel SO blessed). I just kinda figured she would be around for awhile longer.

Over the past two months, I visited the hospital and her hospice care facilities and brought her favorites–ice cream and Swedish fish–until she was no longer eating food. We had very meaningful conversations, some of which I captured through video on my phone. I took photos of her and other loved ones. I sang to her the hymns I knew she loved because I remembered how loud she would sing them at church.  It’s such a blessing and a curse knowing your time with someone is about to expire. There’s an anxiety that comes with the “knowing.” I would wake up in the middle of night wondering if she had taken a turn for the worst or wondering if I would get “the news” the next day.  I watched my mom go through the heartache and stress of caring for a sick parent. I was anxious for her as well. But with all that, there’s also a peace knowing you can spend time with that loved one and savor those moments.

A Slogan Worth Cherishing

My last meaningful conversation I had with her was about two weeks before her death.  That conversation will be held on a pedestal for the rest of my life. My three kids–4 and under– were running around her room causing a ruckus.  One was pulling at my sweater begging for a snack, the other was pulling the phone off the hook, the third one was trying to climb into bed with Grannie Annie. Screaming. Whining. Begging. Ugh! So. Much. CRAZINESS! “I’m so sorry for all the chaos, Grandma!” I said through gritted teeth, basically trying to maintain my littles while trying to visit with my grandma.

“Katie!” She said very firmly with a strength I had not seen from her for quite some time, “Chaos. IS. Living.” Each word was strongly emphasized with emotion and feeling. I lost it. That was the last time I had a real conversation with her. She bestowed that wisdom with every last oomph of her being and two weeks later she was gone.

I say all this because ever since she said those words, I have tried to repeat them to myself every single day. I remember seeing her look a little forlorn when she would come over to visit.  She would sit and watch as I chased all my kids around trying to look like I had it all together (because Grandma always had it all together).  She would always tell me I would miss “this,” and that “these were the best years of my life.” I know it’s difficult sometimes to get caught up in the craziness of life and feel overwhelmed. I know the days are hard and long. I know sometimes we yearn for early bedtime. Or even just a break from the stress. But I will always try to look at the picture of this crazy life through the eyes of my grandma insisting that this. is. living. After all, this is what makes up the story of our lives. This is what we will yearn for when we are older. This chaos is life.

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Fun Facts About KatieRie

  1. Jesus is my JAM
  2. I used to be a professional singer and dancer; my DREAM all my life was to live in New York City and be on Broadway. I DID live in NYC (and LOVED it) and I auditioned my little heart out for Broadway. Had a couple a big callbacks. Landed an Off Broadway show my first summer and performed with many extremely talented people.
  3. I performed as Cinderella and Snow White on the Disney Cruise Ship in the mainstage productions. I LOVE this little fact even more so now that I have little ones who are obsessed with Disney.
  4. I still have oodles of friends who are on Broadway.
  5. I have my Master’s Degree in Education. That’s right! I LOOOOOOVE me some teachers! I used to teach 6th grade literacy and LOVED it.
  6. I met my husband playing volleyball. He is WAAAAAY better at it than I am. I played for the beverages and laughs.
  7. We got engaged and married pretty quickly. We both knew EXACTLY what we were looking for.
  8. We then had THREE kids under THREE YEARS (I think we live off of extreme chaos). Safe to say I know what I’m doing with newborns.
  9. I coached high school gymnastics alongside MY high school gymnastics coach (whom I have always looked up to).
  10. I also coached high school long jump and triple jump.
  11. I ran track and UWEC and my husband played volleyball at UWEC; yet we didn’t meet until we were 30.
  12. I also sang in the top choir for UWEC and quickly learned that I loved singing more than running hurdles.
  13. I went to state for gymnastics as a team and individually.  I actually was a gymnast for 18 years.
  14. I still hold the record at Menomonee Falls High school for the 100m high hurdles.
  15. I used to wait tables in NYC and waited on many famous people (Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Barbara Walters, Sarah Jessica Parker, Mathew Broderick…to name a few). I also believe that everyone should wait tables at least one time in their life.
  16. I love coffee and wine; sometimes more coffee if I’ve had too much wine;)
  17. I absolutely LOVE the ocean and warm weather, but I also love to ski.
  18. My parents are my heros.
  19. I think in parenting, you experience polar opposite emotions ALL. DAY. LONG.
  20. My husband and I LIVE for 8:30pm, when the kids are in bed and we can Netfix and chill.
  21. LOVE Game Of Thrones. John Snow anyone??
  22. I wear yoga pants 99.9% of the time, or I find ways to dress up yoga pants so they don’t look like “yoga pants.”
  23. I am passionate about eating healthy and working out. But I also LOVE eating cookie dough and Reeses.
  24. I feel like I have split personalities when it comes to cleaning & organizing–sometimes I do it and love it; other times I just hide things in closets.
  25. ABOVE ALL my GREATEST accomplishment in life is marrying my best friend (who is an AMAZING husband and daddy) and my three beautiful babies. They have made me who I am today.

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