Baby Photography | Charlotte | Meet Molly

Charlotte Newborn Baby Photography

By KatieRie Photography

Mom (Melissa) contacted me earlier this year letting me know she was pregnant with their third baby (WOO HOO!).  They already had two rambunctious boys and they were waiting until delivery to find out the gender of this sweet little one.  I love, love, LOVE sharing the excitement with families and trying to guess the gender based on cravings and comparing pregnancies to see if we can all make an accurate guess.  When we met for the maternity session, Dad (Jonathon) stated that he thought for sure it was going to be a girl because Melissa craved meat, more than she ever had in the time he had known her.  This made me chuckle–cravings are so different with each pregnancy, no matter what the gender is.

For their maternity session, the lighting was magical and the weather was just right, which makes for stunning Maternity photos, don’t you think?

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“she was almost born in our truck!”

Fast forward to quite an exciting entrance!  Little Miss Molly entered the world April 22 at 8:15pm and was almost born in their truck on the way to the hospital! Melissa started to feel early labor signs that weekend, but kept pushing it aside as you do with your third pregnancy.  Well things progressed rather quickly and the next thing they knew they were at the hospital rushing to get a spot in the ER!  Keys thrown at the valet, wheelchair in tow, and before anyone knew it, out she came!  Everything was so crazy that it took awhile to sink in that they had a GIRL!!


All craziness aside, this little girl was a DREAM during her session.  You never would have guessed that her delivery was chaotic because she slept through her entire session.  Just look at all her adorableness!


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I love how the sweet big brothers are so proud of their new little sister:


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The props, wraps and headbands were carefully selected from my Studio where I have a slight (ah-em) addiction (I promise, I’ll get help someday:).  One of my favorite pieces was this adorable headband (seen below) by my sweet friend over at Vanilla Lullaby.  Isn’t it so dainty and pretty on sweet little Molly?!


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I am SO blessed to be able to snuggle sweet little babes and capture their cuteness on a regular basis.  I love hearing the stories of their exciting births, sharing the struggles of being a first time parent, and bonding with the entire family.  When you book a newborn session with KatieRie Photography, you’ll get the whole she-bang. I am just as excited as you are that your little one has arrived and I promise that will show during your session.

Attention to Detail–Charlotte Newborn Photographer

In a blink of an eye

You wait a LONG nine months (ok, TEN months, really) to meet your little. You’ve gone through the morning sickness, the restless nights of waking up every twenty minutes to go to the bathroom, the swollen feet, the cravings, the clothes not fitting, the pudgy stage, the uncomfortable stage, the actual labor, and then…you meet this perfect, miracle of a being. Someone you just met, but fell instantly in love with. Someone who holds your entire heart in the tiniest palm. As a newborn photographer, I realize the importance of capturing every. single. detail.  Aside from images of babies in the cute props and poses, the wraps, headbands, bonnets, and hats that you will find in my STUDIO, I also get up close and “personal” with your sweet bundle.  I capture the sweet little pouty lips, the perfect untouched fingernails, the gorgeous lashes, that amazing head of hair–I capture all of it. For YOU.  Why? Because once reality sets in that you have a newborn and you are actually surviving, the first couple weeks go so fast and all of a sudden you will look back and think “holy MOLY! A month FLEW by!” And in that month, your sweetness will have already changed.

My promise to you as your newborn photographer is that I will capture those tiny details for you, so you can look back and see how little your little one was.  So you can go back to that feeling of “how in the world did we make this?!” Every last detail I will catch in beautifully unique images that you will hold onto forever.

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VIP Service for AWESOME Clients-Charlotte Photographer

I am SO excited to reveal an online service that clients can use once they book a session with KatieRie Photography! Whoop! (happy dance, HAPPY DANNNNCE).  Guys…for whatever reason I was stuck in the dark ages. I wrote everything down in my paper planner (habit from teaching), contracts were sent back to me via snail mail (I know, I KNOW! Palm to forehead, call me old fashioned! And obviously NOTHING against snail mail)…BUT!! Now I have this system in place and it is sooooooo AWESOME! Clients have their OWN CLIENT PORTAL!!! I know, I know, I was JUST as excited!! See below the screen shot of my site.  Clients can click on “Client Portal” and it will take them to….

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…a screen that looks like this:

[pp_gallery id=”356″]There you will insert your email and the password that I sent you via email and you will get….(dum, dum, DUUUUUUUM!!!) THIS:


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Isn’t that COOL???! It’s like your own Facebook page for KatieRie Photography! LOL!

What does this mean to for YOU? My awesome, amazing clients? That there’s a one-stop shop for all your needs.  You are able to see your invoices–what you paid and/or what needs to be paid, you are able to sign your contract right there online, any forms or questionnaires that I need you to fill out, you can find on your very. own. portal.  (BOOM. Mic Drop).

I will NEVER stop servicing my clients EVER.  I will always push myself to learn more in all areas of this little business of mine so that YOU get the VERY BEST.

Now…I’m off to do my own happy dance with my three littles.  These days our happy dance goes along to all the songs in the “Greatest Showman.” It’s the cutest thing, even IF my kids make up all the lyrics and they don’t make sense. #chaosisliving