How to Prepare for Your Newborn Photo Shoot

Newborn Photography FAQ’s ANSWERED

As a Charlotte baby photographer, I get asked a plethora of questions as to how to adequately prepare for their portrait session. When something like this happens, a little bell goes off in my mind–(must be the former teacher in me)–and I think–what a GREAT idea for a blogpost for future clients! Hot-DIGGETY-DOG! So here I am to help you get ready for a successful, beautiful photography experience with KatieRie Photography.

Charlotte Newborn Photograpy by KatieRie Photograpy
Precious Little Babes

When Should I Book My Newborn Photos?

Right away! My schedule books up really fast, so I tell parents to book their session as soon as they know they are expecting (and when mommy is feeling well enough to plan ahead–ah-hem first trimester!). Once you decide you would like to book my services, we move forward with a contract and retainer fee.  These two things secure your session date and time.  I then pencil in your due date on my calendar and you have successfully booked your newborn pictures.  Everything is online for your convenience, in fact, once your pictures are booked, you get a private password to the Client Portal, where you are able to view your invoices (paid and unpaid), your contract, and all of our communication via email.  How cool is that?!

How to Prepare for Your Newborn Photo Shoot
Dramatic Shadows

When Do I Contact You to let You know Our Baby Arrived?

If you are not booking a Maternity Photography Session with me, (which I HIGHLY recommend you DO! It’s just as important as your Newborn Pics!), I tell clients to contact me right from the hospital. Of course you will wait until things have calmed down a bit, but I remind newborn clients to send a quick text or email so that we can plan your new baby pictures accordingly. This allows time to prepare for your session so it can go as smoothly as possible.  My ideal range to photograph new babies is within the first ten days of lifeThis is when babies are still sleepy and curly and can be positioned from pose to pose with ease.  Of course EVERY baby is different, so the “ideal range” does not necessarily apply to everyone.  One example would be a premature newborn OR if a baby is cluster-feeding, then we suitably adjust the schedule.

How to Prepare for Your Newborn Photo Shoot
Sibling Love

What Happens Next?

I send you my Studio Guide with tips and tricks to help you get ready for your portraits. Some examples are I direct parents to (try to) keep baby awake leading up to your arrival to the studio, giving him or her a bath to remove flaky skin, and some other helpful pointers that will ensure your sessions goes smoothly.

How to Prepare for Your Newborn Photo Shoot
‘Froggy Pose’

What If I want Certain Newborn Poses?

You will quickly learn that these precious new babies run the show–with EVERY.THING.IN.LIFE. They run the show with sleeping (yours and theirs), with eating, with when you can shower–and yes, even with your Newborn Pictures. Because safety is my number ONE priority, I never push baby if he or she is not “feeling” a pose.  It’s best to go into a session with that in mind.  Don’t get me wrong, you can have expectations–but please don’t think a session is ruined if you don’t get a certain pose. It’s my job to capture the cuteness of your new baby and create pieces of art while doing so.

How to Prepare for Your Newborn Photo Shoot
Classic Black & White

Sessions are laid back and stress-free.  No joke–clients call me the Baby Whisperer–I’ve had three little ones of my own and many, MANY newborn photography sessions, so I know how calm your sweet baby. This is your time to sit back, relax, maybe read a magazine or up-date your status on social media. I can’t wait to capture your sweet little one! Interested in learning more? Let’s Chat!

Charlotte Newborn Photographer || Gastonia, NC || KatieRie Photography

Welcome to the WORLD, Baby Waylon!

Do you know why I truly love my job? As a newborn photographer, I get to capture the very first moments of life.  Those monumental moments where two parents are promoted from being a couple to a family; or those moments where the first born child becomes a sibling for the very first time. I get to capture life-changing stages so YOU can look back and savor the feeling you felt during that exact moment. Isn’t that amazing?!

Baby Waylon came to the studio to see me in the beginning of July.  Mom contacted me for a mini newborn photography session and I was so excited to get my hands on this sweet baby! Mom was referred to me by sweet baby Ellis’ mom–both boys’ moms work together and became first time moms within a few short months–how cool is that?! They have each other to text in the middle of the night during feeding sessions!

Charlotte Newborn Photographer || Gastonia, NC || KatieRie Photography
Charlotte Newborn Photography

Waylon’s mom wanted simple, fresh, and organic with a touch of drama–which describes my style exactly. I love focusing on the sweet details of the baby without pulling focus with huge hats or anything that would over-power baby’s features. Since Waylon’s gallery was a Classic (Mini) Session, his session lasted about an hour and there were a handful of beautiful set-ups.  Just look at the cuteness that was captured:

Charlotte Newborn Photographer || Gastonia, NC || KatieRie Photography
Charlotte Newborn Photographer|| KatieRie Photography

Waylon was so sweet and sleepy! We were able to get so many sweet images! I tell parents the most ideal time to capture newborns is within the first ten days of life.  This way babies are still sleepy and transition from pose to pose with ease. However, sometimes, babies go through periods of cluster feeding during this time period.  If this happens, we just push the photo shoot out a few days to allow time for baby time to adjust to efficiently eating.

Charlotte Newborn Photographer || Gastonia, NC || KatieRie Photography
Charlotte Newborn Photographer || KatieRie Photography

Isn’t he so sweet, cuddling that cute little bear? All my newborn props, wraps, bonnets, headbands, and outfits in the studio were handmade specifically for newborn photography–just like this little bear! I found him from an Etsy store called A Bit Of String–so cute, right?!

And finally our taste of drama…

Charlotte Newborn Photographer || Gastonia, NC || KatieRie Photography
Charlotte Newborn Photographer || KatieRie Photography
Charlotte Newborn Photographer || Gastonia, NC || KatieRie Photography
Charlotte Newborn Photographer || KatieRie Photography

What about you? Do you have questions about setting up a session? Let’s get a conversation going! I’d be happy to answer any of your questions.  I can’t wait to capture your life’s story.