Concord Newborn Photography FAQ’s
There is SO MUCH that goes into a Newborn Photo Session, that I decided a FAQ post was in order. It’s easy for me, the photographer, to easily overlook the details that come second-nature to me, simply because I do so many sessions. I have to remind myself to look at the sessions–from beginning to end–through the eyes of first time clients and parents. Here are some answers to your burning questions. (That sounded dramatic, right?! Dum, dum, DUMMMMMMM).

Why is training important?
I’m SO happy you asked! Training is SUPER important, in my humble opinion. Your photographer is handling your precious little babe who grew in your womb for nine whole months! (Well…technically TEN!). You don’t want just anyone delivering your baby, do you? You look for experience, training, qualifications…SO MANY THINGS! It’s the SAME for newborn photographers! People…listen. CHEAPER IS NOT BETTER. Can we all say that together?! I understand everyone has a budget, but also understand if you want the BEST OF THE BEST, you are going to have to pay for an experienced photographer–for someone who has the training. I continue to learn from the best in the biz. I have invested in learning from top experts in the industry for hands-on training. I have learned safety techniques–what to do, what NOT to do. I didn’t just wake up one day and decide to be a Newborn Photographer. I TRAINED to become a newborn photographer. One of my FAVORITE photographers I continue to learn and train from is Amy McDaniel of Dewdrops Photography. Look her up. She’s kinda a big deal. I also have trained and continue to learn from Twig and Olive Photography (again…kinda a big deal). Why do I continue to invest in my education? Because I want to offer the absolute best for my clients. For YOU! Pretty cool, right??

When is it ideal to book my newborn session?
I always tell clients as soon as you know you are pregnant and are “in the clear,” that’s when to look for newborn photographers. Why? because my schedule books up FAST. Plus I only take on so many sessions per month. I do this because I dedicate my full attention to serving my clients. I never want to be in a position where I am overbooked and can’t offer 100% of my time to each person so they feel like they are my only client. Are you reading this and you are in your second or third trimester? That’s perfectly fine! Hope is not lost! I always encourage people to reach out to see if there is room in the schedule. Once booked, we pencil in your due date. A signed contract and paid retainer secures your date! I LOVE photographing newborns within the first ten days of life.

I just booked my Newborn Session, now what?
Book your Maternity session too! I LOVE working with families throughout the journey of becoming or expanding their families. That includes documenting that beautiful BUMP. This is when we can focus on your beautiful belly and those sweet moments before baby arrives. This is your time to pamper yourself –get your hair and makeup done. Get a pedicure and manicure! Time goes so quickly that it’s important to capture the moments leading up to the arrival of your little one. Before you know it, you from this (above), to THIS! (Below)…

My baby was born, when should I contact you?
I always tell my clients to contact me right from the hospital. Yep! I’m on the list of people to contact right away along with grandma and grandpa, aunts and uncles. Why? So we can schedule your session in a timely manner. I have had past clients contact me when they are settled and at home many days later– I DO NOT recommend this. Why? I can’t guarantee we can get baby into the studio during that sweet-spot! As I said before, my sweet-spot for photographing newborns is within the first ten days of life. This is when they are sleepiest and can be posed in those curly positions with ease. That being said, I HAVE photographed a newborn who was 20 days old just fine. It CAN be done. However, in my experience, I have found the average “smooth” newborn sessions happen in that first window of time. Of course, every baby is different AND due dates sometimes factor into the mix (if baby is a premie or not). These things all factor into each unique situation.

What do I need to bring to my session?
Nothing! Well…that’s not entirely true. You need to bring yourselves and baby! How amazing is that?! You don’t have to worry about a thing except showing up on time! The studio is well equipped with props, backdrops, headbands, hats, layers up the wazoo! I actually think I might have a prop-problem. All the things offered by the studio are specifically for newborn photography. Hats and headbands have been handmade with special fabric by photography vendors who do this for a living. And because of the craziness of Covid-19, extra precautions need to be in place. One of the things is no outside props or outfits. Another thing is only immediate family members allowed in the studio. Take a look at the safety measures that are taken to ensure cleanliness and safety:

Do you offer products?
You bet your bottom dollar I offer products! I always say if you are investing in a photographer, invest in products as well! I am here to HELP YOU! There’s a program I utilize where I can use a phone pic of your wall or walls and I can show you different sizes and products and how they look on YOUR VERY OWN WALLS. Plus I offer a lifetime guarantee on all products purchased through me. These are not your average products either. These beautiful pieces are works of art that are unique–you won’t find replicas at Hobby Lobby! Let me guide you in finding products that are right for your home. Those gorgeous images should not just sit on your computer–these need to be hanging in your home!
Phew! That was A LOT! Maybe a continuation is in order. Are you reading this and think we are a good fit?