Newborn Photography & Parent Poses–Charlotte Newborn Photographer

Want to know a secret?

I have regrets when it comes to my own newborn photography with my littles. When I got pregnant with my first, I had all these ideas in my head as to how things would go. I wouldn’t gain a bajillion pounds–I would ONLY eat chicken or lean protein, mixed veggies and some fruit with an occasional splurge. Can you relate?? Do you think that happened?  Um…hahahahaha….NOPE. Somehow that little being inside you completely takes over your taste buds and cravings. The ONLY things I felt like eating were Sour Patch Kids, S’Mores, plain macaroni and cheese, plain bagels and cream cheese, Cocoa Cola or Root Beer, Flaming Hot Cheetos…the list of junk was ENDLESS.  I don’t think I ate one thing that was healthy during that first trimester.  I managed to choke SOME healthy stuff down for the rest of my pregnancy–but not because I wanted to.  So what happened? I was swollen, I gained weight, I felt like an alien in someone else’s body. I still enjoyed the miracle that was going on inside me, but I still felt uncomfortable.


After labor…what came out was this beautifully perfect little being.  She was the definition of perfection.  I was so in love with this new bundle that grew in my womb for ten months. I couldn’t believe that we–my husband and I–did “it.” We made a HUMAN! But looking back, do you know something that still hurts my heart? Even though I endured 30 hours of labor and grew this beautiful little thing inside me, I looked in the mirror and didn’t feel like myself. Not sure if it was the hormones, the lack of sleep, or what…but I kinda just felt gross.   How does this relate to Newborn Photography? Because…NOW I could KICK myself for not getting in front of the camera more with my first or my second. We have so many newborn photographs with my daughter and my husband and every single person who stopped by to congratulate us. But I barely have any with my new baby…and you know what? What I “looked” like plays a part of that story!

I say this to encourage other mommies.  Please, please, PLEASE…even if you feel like you don’t look like yourself–please get in front of the camera.  Capture the whole story. Better yet–allow me to capture how tiny she is in your arms, the love between you and your husband looking down at this amazing miracle you (and God) created. It’s amazing to look back and see how teeny tiny they once were; how their hands wrapped around your finger; how little their toes were. These are the details that tell the entire story. You ARE beautiful. You may not feel like yourself, but your body just did the most amazing thing in the whole entire world. Own that. Be proud of that. Love that.

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Newborn Photography Retreat

When I first started Newborn Photography, I quickly learned that this art was waaaaaay more than just “taking pictures.” The more research I did, the more I learned that safety is the #1 priority.  This is frightening.  Why? Because I see new newborn photographers “pop up” everywhere. People who have a camera and think it looks easy….so why not have a go at newborn photography? Don’t get me wrong…everyone needs to start somewhere. I’m not trying to knock anyone for pursing a passion. But…for me personally–I did not want to be “one of those” who just jumps in. In true “KatieRie” fashion, if I wanted to BE THE BEST I had to LEARN FROM THE BEST.  So that’s what I did. I didn’t want to move forward with the newborn photography aspect of my business if I wasn’t properly trained.  I wanted to learn the BEST and SAFEST techniques from the BEST. So I invested in education. In learning. And that investment is NOT CHEAP.  Why? Because the BEST learned from their best.  And THEY invested in THEIR education. See how this works?

Well, I stumbled upon an amazing workshop in Charlotte, NC about two years ago.  And because I took that workshop, I was able to partake in the refresher course which so happened to take place in the amazingly gorgeous Panama City Beach, FL. There were about 20 of us newborn photographers in a glorious beach house right. on. the. BEACH.  Guys!! I didn’t know ANYONE! Except the instructor, who didn’t really know me.  I was super DUPER nervous to travel and stay with a bunch of peeps I didn’t know.  The last time I did that was in college–YIKES!  But…it worked out beautifully. We did maternity photo shoots and a full day of newborn photography. We all got to talking, laughing, sharing a comradery, networking, talking business, sharing tips–it was EPIC! I mean…these were some of the BEST PHOTOGRAPHERS in the WORLD. How amazing is that?! Well…so amazing that I’m doing it again.  I met so many beautiful people from all over who are so open to helping and sharing techniques that we are all going back for more.

When it comes to newborn photography…please invest in someone who knows their stuff.  Not just with camera settings–but safely posing those tiny bundles. I can promise you that I have learned and studied from the most amazing photographers out there.  I will practice safety every. single. time. I can’t wait to snuggle and pose your little squishy bundle of love!

KatieRie Photography–Charlotte’s PREMIER Newborn Photographer.

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The Newborn & Baby Photography Studio

The Newborn & Baby Photography Studio is based out of Charlotte, NC and well equipped with state-of-the-art studio equipment. Because of my *slight* obsession with props for the studio, there are choices galore when it comes to outfits, headbands, backdrops, vintage props, and much, much MORE! Seriously…all you need to do is show up for your session. I take over from there. IF you have outfits you would like to use, bring them along to your session! The outfits from the studio are handmade specifically for photography. They are beautiful and delicate; fresh and timeless.  There are also plenty of textured layers and different backdrops to suit clients’ tastes. It’s basically an all-inclusive for your photography needs!  Wam, bam, thank you MAM!

Set up your session NOW!


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Fun Facts About KatieRie

  1. Jesus is my JAM
  2. I used to be a professional singer and dancer; my DREAM all my life was to live in New York City and be on Broadway. I DID live in NYC (and LOVED it) and I auditioned my little heart out for Broadway. Had a couple a big callbacks. Landed an Off Broadway show my first summer and performed with many extremely talented people.
  3. I performed as Cinderella and Snow White on the Disney Cruise Ship in the mainstage productions. I LOVE this little fact even more so now that I have little ones who are obsessed with Disney.
  4. I still have oodles of friends who are on Broadway.
  5. I have my Master’s Degree in Education. That’s right! I LOOOOOOVE me some teachers! I used to teach 6th grade literacy and LOVED it.
  6. I met my husband playing volleyball. He is WAAAAAY better at it than I am. I played for the beverages and laughs.
  7. We got engaged and married pretty quickly. We both knew EXACTLY what we were looking for.
  8. We then had THREE kids under THREE YEARS (I think we live off of extreme chaos). Safe to say I know what I’m doing with newborns.
  9. I coached high school gymnastics alongside MY high school gymnastics coach (whom I have always looked up to).
  10. I also coached high school long jump and triple jump.
  11. I ran track and UWEC and my husband played volleyball at UWEC; yet we didn’t meet until we were 30.
  12. I also sang in the top choir for UWEC and quickly learned that I loved singing more than running hurdles.
  13. I went to state for gymnastics as a team and individually.  I actually was a gymnast for 18 years.
  14. I still hold the record at Menomonee Falls High school for the 100m high hurdles.
  15. I used to wait tables in NYC and waited on many famous people (Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Barbara Walters, Sarah Jessica Parker, Mathew Broderick…to name a few). I also believe that everyone should wait tables at least one time in their life.
  16. I love coffee and wine; sometimes more coffee if I’ve had too much wine;)
  17. I absolutely LOVE the ocean and warm weather, but I also love to ski.
  18. My parents are my heros.
  19. I think in parenting, you experience polar opposite emotions ALL. DAY. LONG.
  20. My husband and I LIVE for 8:30pm, when the kids are in bed and we can Netfix and chill.
  21. LOVE Game Of Thrones. John Snow anyone??
  22. I wear yoga pants 99.9% of the time, or I find ways to dress up yoga pants so they don’t look like “yoga pants.”
  23. I am passionate about eating healthy and working out. But I also LOVE eating cookie dough and Reeses.
  24. I feel like I have split personalities when it comes to cleaning & organizing–sometimes I do it and love it; other times I just hide things in closets.
  25. ABOVE ALL my GREATEST accomplishment in life is marrying my best friend (who is an AMAZING husband and daddy) and my three beautiful babies. They have made me who I am today.

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