Huntersville Newborn Photos || KatieRie Photography

Welcome to the World, Baby Kennedy!

Professional Newborn Photos

Y’all. I can’t EVEN with this session.  I just CAN’T. Obsessed with this sweet gallery is an understatement. Gahhh! Can’t wait for you to see! This mommy found me on Google and reached out waaaaay back in November.  Since we had just moved to the Charlotte, NC area in October (from WI), I was all too excited to meet this sweet couple and plan their sessions.  Mom hired me for their pregnancy announcement photos and then also opted for the Premium Package for the newborn session.  And I’m OH SO HAPPY THEY DID!

Huntersville Newborn PhotosHuntersville Newborn PhotosProfessional Newborn Photos

Just look at how BEAUTIFUL this little babe is! She was so peaceful during her session.  We barely had to break for feeding or changing.  She was just so CHILL and wonderful.  Of course I like to think I had something to do with it (but I definitely can’t take all the credit of her peaceful demeanor).  When parents book KatieRie Photography for newborn shoots, I advise that they send me a text or email right when baby is born (from the hospital!) so we can set the date for the session ASAP.  I love getting newborns into the studio within the first ten days of life.  This is when they are super sleepy and I can transition them form pose to pose with ease.  Of COURSE if someone has an older newborn, I can still work my baby-whispering magic too. Once parents reach out after baby is born I send my Studio Guide for parents to prepare for their session. Just look at the works of art that will decorate this family’s home!

Huntersville Newborn PhotosHuntersville Newborn PhotosHuntersville Newborn PhotosHuntersville Newborn PhotosProfessional Newborn Photos

Don’t you agree?! EVERY image in this gallery is FINE ART. Seriously.

Huntersville Newborn PhotosProfessional Newborn Photos


If you are searching for the BEST (experienced, trained) newborn photographer for your photos, DO NOT LOOK ANY FURTHER. Send me an email and let’s chat.  I PROMISE you will have gorgeous images that will last FOREVER.



3 Replies to “Huntersville Newborn Photos || KatieRie Photography”

  1. Katie, this session is absolutely gorgeous! Your talent is shining through. It’s so evident you are a trained professional baby whisperer!! Love every image and following your blog. 

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