One Year Milestone Session with KatieRie Photography
HOORAY!! Your little one is about to turn ONE (or already did)!! How in the world did this happen?! WHEN did this happen?? It seems like just yesterday, you were wondering if your baby would ever sleep through the night OR you are wondering WHEN your baby will sleep through the night (it will happen soon, I PROMISE). NOW it’s time to celebrate that huge milestone! There are so many big milestones in that first year of life and it only makes sense to capture that cute, sometimes HUGE personality your nugget has developed in a One Year Session.

The Process
I wanted to explain what a One Year Milestone Session entails with KatieRie Photography. It’s really pretty easy and straight forward–you can be super involved in the process, letting me know exactly what you want, or you can let me take the creative reigns. Some parents don’t know where to start and then some moms have been searching Pinterest for months pinning the perfect photos. Depending on if you choose a mini or a full session, you will get gorgeous images that will last forever. I will help educate you on products that are unique and what would look stunning in your home. We will capture all the cuteness that makes up your little babe.
What to Bring
The studio is all inclusive, which means you honestly don’t have to bring a thing except your little one and a small cake, if you choose to do a smash. It’s well equipped with hand-made outfits that were crafted specifically for photography needs. These are classic pieces that will showcase your little one, instead of overpower her or him. Some people still prefer to bring outfits and that’s completely fine as well! I just love to offer the option to use the studio outfits–makes life a little easier!

I always tell parents that it’s best to keep an open mind when it comes to milestone sessions. Sometimes babies will dive into cake, other times kids will think it’s absolutely revolting and end up crying. Some one year old’s are happy-go-lucky; others have “stranger-danger.” The point of a One Year Session is to capture that milestone, no matter where your daughter or son is in the journey. Some might be taking first steps, others might be ok crawling or standing. Some might need extra snuggles from mommy–that’s OK! Just keep an open mind and I will do the rest.
And guess what, if you don’t want to do a cake smash portion of the session, that’s ok too! Some parents have already thrown a party and KNOW their little gal does NOT like cake. You will still get a great variety of looks to celebrate your son or daughter.

Sessions can be indoor, (in the studio) OR outdoor during Golden Hour. Most parents opt for a studio session, since these are held in the morning and babies tend to be happier during this time. But all babies are different and I have also had success during outdoor sessions as well!

I tell newborn clients all the time that it’s so amazing to book the milestone sessions with the same photographer (ah-hem, KatieRie, ah-hem), so they can have consistent quality and looks with their sessions. And how FUN is it to compare those photos?! To see the growth and personalities!

Is your little baby about to turn ONE?! Think we are a good fit? LET’S CHAT!